The thematic galleries below collect photos by favourite places or subjects. They are constantly updated. Animal, flower or plant names have not been completely vetted.
To properly enjoy the galleries you need a recent browser supporting JavaScript. With the icons at the top of the gallery screen you can play and pause the automatic slideshow, or manually move forward and backward, or display a lightbox with small thumbnails of the whole gallery. Each individual photo slide can be bookmarked, even when the automatic slideshow is on. Further technical information is at the bottom of the page.
All the published material is copyrighted by Fabrizio Giudici and can’t be used without the author’s written permission. Personal use (e.g. as a desktop wallpaper) is allowed. I’m making my photos viewable for free: please respect my copyright and terms of use. Be aware that photos carry an invisible watermark that makes it possible to discover copyright infringements, even when images are resized and printed.
In recent years photo captions have been written in the language of the place where they have been taken. Captions in languages other than Italian and English probably need a review; if you spot an error, please drop me a line. Thanks.
Images are optimised for a display with resolution up to 4K, configured with a colour temperature of 6500°K and brightness at 250 cd/m2. Accurate rendering of an image in a computer display is something more complex than one would expect but — if you don't want to read the full story — you can do just two simple things: look at the grayscale blocks at the bottom of this page and adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor so that all tones can be distinguished (especially the darkest and the brightest ones); and try to have white rendered in a neutral way.